I hope this email finds you and your families safe and healthy- even if you're a little bored with being in lockdown!

I know you don't need more 'Covid 19' updates, or more information about 'Steps We're Taking to Reduce the Spread of Covid 19' (obviously, we're taking those steps, but I know you're tired of hearing about them!) BUT there are some things I need to let you know about Use-Ta! and how I plan to keep this little boat afloat while we wait out the crisis.

We closed our physical store to customers last week and it was really sad. I already miss your lovely faces, your sleeping babies, busy toddlers, and rad big kids.

You can still shop online and have your items posted, or pick them up from the store on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11 am - 2 pm. We're doing our best to get as many items as possible uploaded as we can, so you can access more of our range from the comfort of your couch.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are also the best time to contact us via Facebook, Instagram, hello@use-ta.com.au or on 0432 337 964 if you're looking for other things that aren't listed online.

For the time being, we are not accepting any new stock. I'll keep you updated on this, but for the meantime, we have plenty of items waiting to be processed to go online. 

If you brought in stock before last week and haven't received your item list, please be patient with us- we're working with far fewer staff so everything is taking longer. If you're concerned, please email us at hello@use-ta.com.au. If you're a consignment customer, the same applies to payouts. I'm getting to them as quickly as I can during limited hours- I thought I could work from home but that's proving to be difficult!

Above all, I would just like to reassure you that I'm doing my best to get Use-Ta! through this crazy time so we can see you on the other side, stronger and even better than before!
If you've made on an online order, liked or shared a social media post or dropped us an email full of kind words THANK YOU! 

All the best for the next little while!

Kiri Gorter
Tagged: news



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