With the current state of our planet, we should all make the move toward a more sustainable lifestyle. Having an environmentally friendly baby can make a big impact on the environment, and can be done with just a few easy swaps and changes. 

How to Have an Eco Friendly Baby

Cloth Nappies

A simple and extremely impactful swap you can make is to use cloth instead of disposable nappies. This can be intimidating, but thanks to the advancement of technology within the eco movement, cloth nappies have come a long way and are considered just as easy to use as disposable. While you do have to go to the trouble of washing and drying them, you are getting a reusable product that is free from chemicals. Overall, cloth nappies will help save you money and are the sustainable choice for an eco friendly baby.

Second Hand Clothes

The thing about babies is that they grow fast. There are stretches of time where it feels as if their outgrowing their clothes within weeks, so why spend money on clothes that you will barely get any use out of? Buying second hand means that you can help out the environment, save money, and not stress about the stains and messes that your baby’s clothes will get covered in anyway. You can always buy a new outfit for special occasions, but for the day to day stuff go the sustainable route.

Keep it Simple

Other than constant access to their carer, babies don’t need much in their first few weeks. All you really need are the bare basics such as a car seat, a safe place for them to sleep, a carrier or pram for transport, and a few clothes. As long as they have these items and plenty of cuddles you can get by without anything else until you find you need it.

When in Doubt, DIY

Unfortunately, many baby products have chemicals in them that are not only harmful to the environment, but can also be irritating to your baby’s skin. One of the biggest culprits of this are the handy baby wipes, but don’t worry, there is a super simple DIY replacement. Check out this Melbourne Mum’s DIY Baby Wipes hack for a sustainable solution.

Baby Shower Management

Baby showers can either be the most stressful or lifesaving events for new mothers, and it all comes down to planning. Ask for gifts that you actually need so that you don’t end up with a dozen identical onesies you won’t use. You could even write on the invites that you want one big, specific gift, and ask everyone to pitch in $5 as their contribution. This way you get what you want without all the waste, and your guests will be thankful for the easy gift.

Rent Instead of Buying

If you’re in need of an item or baby product but you know your baby will soon outgrow it, why not rent instead of buy? This can be a great cost effective way to give your child the best care, plus it doesn’t leave you with unused products going to landfill. Check out how it works in Now To Love’s article.

Choosing the environmentally friendly option for your baby is easier than you think. With just a few small changes and some planning ahead, you will have an eco friendly baby while saving money at the same time.

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Eva is the founder of www.treehutvillage.com.au where parents can make back the money they spent on baby gear by renting it to other parents.