Nailing a plastic-free Birthday Party 🎉🎊🎈

Nailing a plastic-free Birthday Party 🎉🎊🎈

It felt so easy to have this kind of party – everything just went into the bin at the end of the day. But then I’d look at the shameful amount of garbage and be a bit embarrassed. Sometimes I even made grandparents take a bag of trash that wouldn’t fit in my bin home with them.

This year, I tried something different

Tips and Tricks For Pulling Together A Great Maternity Wardrobe

Tips and Tricks For Pulling Together A Great Maternity Wardrobe

Having mixed feelings about clothing when you are pregnant is totally normal. On one hand, not wanting to spend a ton of cash on clothes – considering you are not going to be pregnant forever – but on the other hand, you’re wearing the same clothes over and over again so it would be kinda nice if you liked them. There’s no right or wrong way to dress a bump but there are a few ways to make it easier and build a killer maternity wardrobe.
How to be Environmentally Friendly with a New Baby

How to be Environmentally Friendly with a New Baby

Having an environmentally friendly baby can make a big impact on the environment, and can be done with just a few easy swaps and changes. 
Eco-conscious ideas for when you’re out and about!

Eco-conscious ideas for when you’re out and about!

You might have noticed that we no longer use single use shopping bags at Use-Ta!

Finding out more about the impact of producing shopping bags (paper and plastic) got me thinking about all the ways in which we can make a small difference to our environment, just by being prepared and organised.

Here’s some ideas on how to turn any outing with your little ones into an eco-friendly adventure!

7 Ways to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle this Christmas

7 Ways to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle this Christmas

Christmas can be a challenging time to reduce, reuse and recycle. Here are some super simple tips to green your holiday season!
Kiri Gorter