Tips and Tricks For Pulling Together A Great Maternity Wardrobe

Tips and Tricks For Pulling Together A Great Maternity Wardrobe

Having mixed feelings about clothing when you are pregnant is totally normal. On one hand, not wanting to spend a ton of cash on clothes – considering you are not going to be pregnant forever – but on the other hand, you’re wearing the same clothes over and over again so it would be kinda nice if you liked them. There’s no right or wrong way to dress a bump but there are a few ways to make it easier and build a killer maternity wardrobe.
Bump style without breaking the bank

Bump style without breaking the bank

If you’re sporting a new bump then come and see us at Use-Ta! as we are now accepting and selling maternity wear. Check our website for the brands that we are accepting as well as how you can sell with us. We can’t wait to see you and your bump in store!
Kiri Gorter